How to get into LaTeX (for writing math) in 2024?
This is what the geniuses use to write math books! It only takes 1 hour to get into!
Authors write your favorite math books in LaTeX. When I started in 2016, it was tough. But not anymore! Let me give you the road map to learn and use LaTeX in just 1 hour. Pinky promise. What you need? An internet connection and an email account.
Step 1: Overleaf templates
In 2024, the quickest way to use LaTeX is to open a free overleaf account and find a template. There are tons of Overleaf templates from any form of math writing you can think of.
Click the category you want to write and you’ll find different templates you can use.
Click the template that caught your eyes, then the “Open as Template” button.
Once there, you can change the text and the math equations. So I still need to learn math typing then?
Step 2: Typing Math
Yes, but it comes with practice! When you just start, use this free online WISEG LaTeX editor You use the symbol palette to enter the LaTeX formula, and the formula will appear under the code box. Then, you just copy the code and paste it into your Overleaf template.
Step 3: Special symbols
If you need to write some special symbols in LaTeX, then use Detexify. Draw the symbol and you’ll get the code.
Step 4: Graphing functions & diagrams
Geogebra is a graphing calculator you can use to generate math graphs. You can either take a screenshot or export your graph into a LaTeX code. (And copy & paste it into Overleaf)
If you want to draw diagrams, you can use this WISEG tikzcd editor.
There are also diagram templates on Overleaf!
Step 5: Citation
The DBLP is a great way to get BibTex Citation. You can also use Citedrive. You can use both for free.
Step 6: What if I need something extra?
Like writing python codes or making exam questions for my students? You can just do a Google Search of your special need and chances are, there is already an Overleaf template for it! If not, have a look at There may be people asking the same questions as you. If not, ask your questions there!
Working from images and handwritten notes?
I know, when you have spent 20+ hours on a homework, it’s challenging to type it! But it’s 2024, so you can relax on LaTeX side and focus on your math! You can use Mathpix to convert your images and handwritten pdf into LaTeX. You just need a good handwriting!
Can I use ChatGPT to write my LaTex codes?
In my experience, the tools I mentioned above are more reliable for now.
So you did not teach me LaTeX at all? But I helped you to get into it, right? Remember, when you write an essay or a thesis using LaTeX, it’s your ability to solve the Math problem that is judged. That’s where your focus should be.
Any videos or resources I recommend?
I was about to make a video on this but I saw that one of my favorite math youtuber has a full playlist so here you go.